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It's for you.
health, beauty and regenerative medicine from within and without

No cosmetics or other processed products, additives, chemicals, metal additives, or drugs are used, applying natural objects.
Human origin is dangerous.

Regenerative Medicine Naturopathy (New Comprehensive Complementary Medicine )Clinic
Comprehensive Complement Natural Medicine Treatments

2025 WHO New strategy for traditional and complementary medicine starts.

Regenerative Medicine Naturopathy
(Comprehensive complementary medicine) clinics
3 choices
1. Academically managed clinic
2. Independent clinic with emphasis on private management
3. Corporate franchise clinic

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2025 WHO New strategy for traditional and complementary medicine starts.

WHO: At the 74th World Health Assembly (WHA) 2021,
World Health Organization: World Health Assembly
For the first time in a WHA document, as a requirement of the Agenda for Promoting Patient-Centered Universal Health Care:
Naturopathic remedies were included directly.
2023, continuation of WHO strategy for traditional medicine (including complementary medicine) 2025 (formulation of new strategy from 2025)
The 76th WHA World Health Assembly in 2023 decided to continue until 2025 and the following decisions.
​At the same time, realign the health system towards primary health care as a strong foundation for universal health coverage.
“Everyone has access to appropriate health promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitative services at affordable costs.”
In the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978
Based on realistic, scientifically valid and socially acceptable methodologies and techniques, universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation, and developed in a spirit of self-determination. Defined as essential health care that can be provided at a cost that communities and countries can sustain at all stages of life.
Not only modern medicine (allopathy) but also traditional, complementary (natural), integrated medical services, etc. will be publicly dealt with equally and fairly.

Catch up with the world with RMN (Regenerative Medicine Naturopathy(Comprehensive Complementary Medicine).
Consulting business for entrepreneurs, investors, and those with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Let's spread to the world Japan's comprehensive (comprehensive) complementary medicine chain clinic
Recruitment of entrepreneurs and investors(angel investment).

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"Embryonic stem cells (ES cells)", "induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells)"
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Catch up with the world with RMN (Regenerative Medicine Naturopathy).
Consulting business for entrepreneurs, investors, and those with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Let's spread to the world Japan's comprehensive (comprehensive) complementary medicine chain clinicand regenerative medicine consulting business
Domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and investment lenders are invited to become angel investors and financiers.

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International Spa & Wellness Center

International HW-HART concept

Click here for New Natural Medicine Treatment Center Project​

 1995-2025 30th anniversary by UN-NgoICSA ( WONM Graduate University Asia Japan School)

UN(United Nations)-NGO ICSA&WANM
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